We now know studies indicate that nursing home residents enrolled in hospice are less likely to be hospitalized in their final month of life than those not enrolled in hospice. But what are some of the other benefits of working with hospice? Integrating hospice care into your facilities so that residents can age in place can not only benefit your residents and families but also your facility.
How Hospice Benefits Your Facility:
RN services 2x/week as clinically necessary to address pain or other symptoms
Clinical documentation and updates as needed and assistance with nursing procedures and other technical help
CNA service up to 5x/week as clinically necessary to assist with bathing, dressing and additional personal care
On-call nurses available after hours and weekends to assist with emergent needs
A continuous care program available when a crisis arises.
Coordination of care and communication with the resident’s physician
Enhanced family communication and satisfaction
Education regarding serious illness and end of life care with disease specific in-services
Volunteer support that can include companionship, music/singing, crafts & games, reading and grief support